Friday, September 19, 2008

Print What You Like

Just read about this on Cariboo Ponderer - Vic Grace always finds the neatest things.

Print What You LikeIt's called Print What You Like, and it lets you do exactly that. Well, it's supposed to, only it's new and it's neat, and everyone is trying it, so right now it is ' temporarily over its serving quota'. That means I'll have to go back and try it later. It looks like it is going to be a really handy tool. All you have to do it enter the url of the page you wish to print, edit out anything you don't want to print - like ads, images, extra stuff you're not interested in, whatever. No more copying and pasting into Word or Open Office just so you can print the parts you want. You can even combine multiple pages and print them as one, save your changes so you can print again, and even use other people's changes.

I'm looking forward to trying this out.


  1. Hmmmmmmmmm, that's interesting. Thanks for sharing this bit of info.

    I'm gonna bookmark it and no doubt find it quite useful.

  2. well many softwares in this regard fail miserably. nice find
