Monday, January 24, 2011

A Network in Your Pocket

GroupMe lets you effortlessly group text with the people in your life that are important to you. It's your real-life network, in your pocket. It's totally free and works on every phone.
I've just recently started texting, because now we have a texting package on our cell phones.  So far I've sent a few texts to my kids, and I've updated my twitter and facebook from my phone.  And that's about it.

I may not have a use for this yet, but I can definitely see how GroupMe could come in handy.  It's a free service that lets you create multiple groups of contacts, such as family, soccer team, business associates, study group.  Then, each group gets assigned a special number.  Send a text to that number, and everyone in the group gets it, no scrolling through contacts and selecting multiple recipients.  Replies to the group number go to everyone in the group.  You can also call a group number for an instant conference call - for those times that texting just doesn't cut it.

I started a group of my own and got a number (262)528-3922 - because it was free and I could - and it was easy.  So far I'm the only person in it, so if you want to be part of my group, let me know! Or just check out GroupMe and start some groups of your own.

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