Friday, April 8, 2011

New Look

I decided it was time for a change around here.  It's not a drastic change, just a bit of freshening up.  I've been wanting to play with the new Blogger Template Designer for a while, but just haven't taken the time to do it.  Mostly I was putting it off because I knew I'd need to re-do the header.  It really had to have rounded corners to look right.  And that ended up being the hardest part of the process.

Re-doing the blog design was really easy to do and means anyone can have a nice looking blog.  If you can click, you can do it.  So, with some clicking and some dragging and dropping, I got a fresh, new look.  I love that you can try everything out and actually see how it's going to look on your blog before committing to anything.  The best part, at least for me, is that I can still get into the html and add/remove/tweak things.  I like easy, but I hate sites that just offer the 'easy' ways to do things but take away our control to do anything else we might wish to do.

I like that Blogger gives us all the options.  Beginners who don't know much about design can still have nice-looking blogs, and people who have more knowledge of html and css and design can use that knowledge.  I'm kind of in the middle.  I like a place to start, a template, and then I like to tweak little things to make it exactly (or as close to exactly) how I want it.
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